How beautiful life can be extended, he's 20 for Food ~ Food for Health

Sunday, December 11, 2016

How beautiful life can be extended, he's 20 for Food

There are many people who are trying to increase their weight, how little. But many of the wrong food to increase the weight of the body occurs as a result of various problems. So today for the proper growth of health Jenenina 20. proper diet list.

If you want to increase the weight of the high-calorie junk food or nutritious food simply will not play. If you need to choose foods that are both nutritious and energy amount. We'll list the food that you eat now 20. You can find the proper amount of nutrients for good health.

1. Makhanah peanuts and peanut butter mix of light can eat bread for breakfast. This will give you enough energy around 192. calories!

2. It is full of protein and vitamins, three types of dimah a whole. It contains vitamins A, D, E, and a large amount of cholesterol.

3. Nuts and honey, nuts and honey-rich foods as well as rich breakfast khabarah Keep your breakfast. It will get you about 500 calories. It is also a well-palatable foods will make your morning nastake.

4. Makhanah butter will help you increase the weight of the long-term. However, as the amount of butter to eat. Because a large amount of butter that can cause problems with your heart.

5. There is a lot of extra calories and the amount of forest rutih forest carbohydrate bread.

6. If rutih maize corn bread in the morning or afternoon. There are plenty of bhuttate carbohydrates. You can eat the soup with corn bread.

7. One teaspoon contains 69 calories panirah panire. Cheese is made from milk that contain lots of protein, calcium, fat and cholesterol.

8. Rasah fruit juice is healthy and nutritious way to increase weight. 100% fruit juice will give your body plenty of sugar and nutrients.

9. Nudulasah pasta and noodles pasta and cereal and sugar is a calorie rich food supply, so it is known as a healthy and high-calorie foods. The amount of pasta or noodles as you can eat every day.

10. There is a huge amount of acid required Shrimps cinrih nutritious and will help to boost your health.

11. Paurutih wheat, whole wheat bread to eat 69 calories of energy you can get. This will increase your weight.

12. Dry phalah calories you can get a quick taste of dried fruit. As a result, a large amount of calories, like dried fruit is ripe.

13. Rutih barley barley bread may be appropriate for your breakfast. It has plenty of fiber and nutrients.

14. 118 calories will give you the equivalent power daih yogurt. Non-fat diet is one of the saktikara. The inclusion of yogurt in your daily diet list.

15. Telah Upper healthy fats and fatty foods in the amount of calories you please fill in the result will be. Olive oil can be used as an edible oil.

16. Calah brown to brown rice fiber material will increase the amount of carbohydrates and health.

17. Kalah a banana is 100 calories. Cable banana calories, so it does not help to increase the power of your actions.

18. Bijah nuts and seeds for the growth and health nuts to eat. Nuts and seeds, which contain polyunsaturated fats play pivotal role in enhancing your health.

19. Matarasutih niramisidera the main source of protein for the beans. So you can use beans as alternative animal protein.

20. There are plenty of alute aluh carbohydrates and complex sugar. Regular cooking and eating potatoes, you can increase your health.

Information Source: The Times of India and ebautakama

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